The volcano of history article

The volcano of history article

Hazrat Ghalib said in a poetic wave that the difficulties befell me so much that they became easy, but the accidents that we are facing are becoming worse with the passage of time. Last Monday night, two trains collided at Reti railway station in Sindh, which broke the Hour of Judgment. The cries of children, women and men reached the sky. Rescue operations started late in the night, however, Pakistan Army men, Rangers, police and locals rushed to the spot and with heavy machinery cut the bogies and removed the bodies and trapped wounded. Sixty-five people have died and more than 150 injured are in critical condition in various hospitals. In such a situation, the voice of Punjab Information Adviser Firdous Ashiq Awan echoes that this is the first train accident of this year. Alhamdulillah, all his political genius has come to the summit. Thank God, this is the first train accident of this year, whereas many accidents should have happened so far. People are left reeling from this comment.

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Circumstances added another dimension to this tragic situation. Before coming to power, Imran Khan, who had frequently mentioned the great parliamentary principle that the Railway Minister should resign in the event of a train accident, said in the same vein that the Railway Minister had resigned over the train accident. Should be The fact is that in a country of the civilized world, if so many lives were lost and hundreds of families were displaced, then the Prime Minister or the President would have resigned along with the Railway Minister. The people there would demand an account of the loss of a life, severely punish the custodians of affairs and expel them from the political arena. Before Azam Swati, Sheikh Rashid was the Minister of Railways. During his time there was a terrible train accident and a large number of human lives were lost. Public confidence was shattered by the train journey. He continued to make arguments to avoid resigning. The present Minister of Railways, Azam Swati, has also come up with an answer that if my resignation revives the lives lost, then I am ready to resign. At the same time, they have declared jihad against the corrupt officials of the railways. He had made such a declaration of jihad by including the meager property of a poor man in his form, on which the Supreme Court had taken action against him and he had to accept it.

Ms. Firdous Ashiq Awan wanted to convey the message of consolation by saying that there is absolutely no need to worry about the first train accident this year. The concern would have been when there had been a series of accidents. He should have considered the dire situation that there have been eight major train accidents during the PTI regime and no one was held accountable or any future plans were made. Most of the time of ministers and advisers is spent in portraying the character of the opposition or dreaming for the people. What is the point of this mistrust and distrust that the Imran government has seldom expressed happiness over some of the hard-won achievements it has achieved? It was great news that ten years later Kuwait has opened visas for Pakistan, but it has not been given much importance in national circles. Similarly, if the government's claim that it has made timely payment of sugarcane price to the farmers by the sugar mill owners is based on fact, then it should be considered as a very welcome event of national life and praise the good performance of the government. But we did not hear any good words from the opposition while sharp talk about the budget is floating in the air.

Nations with high parliamentary and governmental traditions attach great importance to the budget and do not allow their governments to deviate from it. For a time, we had the status of a credible economic and political document. Parliament and the press took care to ensure that the country's resources were used in the way they were allocated in the budget. Due to the negligence or weakness or short-sightedness of the political institutions and political parties, three budgets started coming in a year and the resources of one item were spent in the other item without any fear of accountability. Then came a storm of fake statistics, the strong effects of which can still be seen today. This 'charisma' has shattered the relationship of trust that in a few months the economic growth has reached 1.5 to 3.9. Our greatest wish as ordinary citizens is that our budget should be largely dependent on direct taxes. 90% of our people pay taxes in the name of general sales tax while capitalists and industrialists who have squandered billions of rupees from banks and sucked the blood of workers’ pay very little tax. This social and political injustice can at any time lead to a catastrophic explosion that can destroy the very fabric of life. According to the analysis of economists, our federal government is very happy that this time the revenues have exceeded four thousand billion, but the share of these direct taxes is about seventy percent, which makes the people unaffordable. Endurance is being buried alive at the hands of inflation and unemployment. Class inequalities have brought us to the volcano of history that could erupt at any time.
