(Articles, epic books, epic reading, spirtual books, twilight, god is the creator of the universe)

The idea was to write on Hazrat Ali bin Usman Hajwary aka Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh instead of joining the mourning procession of circumstances and politics because nowadays his annual Urs is going on and the sea of ​​light is flowing. The ocean of light is for the eyes that are "seeing", which sees and wakes up, the eyes are awake and seeing, then the worldly veils of materialism are removed. The thought reminded me of an English book I had read some time ago. For me, this book was not only informative but also inspiring. Informative in the sense that the author of the book made a unique and thought-provoking revelation. He wrote that I came to Lahore in 1930 and rented a flat near Data Darbar. I used to visit Data Darbar several times a day. There I met Allama Iqbal who used to come long before Fajr prayers (during Tahajjud) and then return after Fajr prayers. He showed me the sermon before delivering it at the Allahabad Muslim League meeting and told me that the idea of ​​a separate homeland for Muslims came to him during worship at the Data Darbar, the name of the book is “Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh Spiritual Biography "and the author's name is Masood Al-Hassan, this book was published decades ago and is probably not available in the market now.


Two pages of a spiritual book

The author states that once he was seeking guidance for meditation in the Data Darbar, he felt as if Data Sahib was telling him to fast. I used to attend the Data Darbar for spiritual guidance. One night Hazrat Ali ibn Uthman Hajwary came to me in a dream and said (Imprison your senses) ie control your senses. I could not understand the meaning of this but one day while reading Kashf Al-Majoob, the meaning of this commandment suddenly came to my mind. In Kashf al-Mahjoob, Hazrat Data Sahib had written that once he had a visit to the Holy Prophet in a dream. I asked for guidance. He said, "Imprison your tongue and your senses." Data Sahib had explained that abstaining from food and drink is a very easy task. It is necessary to avoid vain desires and immoral acts. After reading this, I understood the interpretation of Data Sahib.

Masoodul Hassan Sahib was the MA of the time when the number of gentlemen in the 16th class was less. He later took up a government job. He wrote that he did not believe in spiritual events, spiritual experiences and miracles like every highly educated person, but after this dreaming and deep study of Kashf al-Mahjoob, a revolution came to me and this fact was revealed to me. It just so happens that our thinking, our minds are not the only means of communication and understanding of matters. There is also a supernatural medium that is beyond our comprehension. Then it occurred to me that when Allama Iqbal wrote this poem, "Beyond the stars, there are others", he must have had a similar spiritual experience.

 Masood Al-Hassan Sahib writes that the way to attain Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala is not readymade on which man can travel and find the Lord. In this way man also stumbles and stumbles. However, perseverance, perseverance and the desire to find the real Creator are essential. The mind and heart must be cleansed of all evil desires. Capturing thoughts and senses is the name of the process. As a result, the conscience becomes enlightened and stops and warns (WARN) at every step. If a person starts listening to the voice of conscience and acting on it, then the material senses and desires are suppressed and man starts walking on the spiritual path. The spiritual path is a never ending journey and you can reach heights you can't even imagine.

One day while meditating, I felt as if I was reaching the heights. During this journey he came to a place where time and space do not exist. I was told that now you can seek guidance from your Lord. The question came to my mind, "What is life?" The answer was, there are two aspects of life: first physical, second spiritual. Think of it as a human being, like Dynamo, who creates life. When the dynamo stops running by the command of God, life ends. The spiritual life is beyond material life and is very high. Man knows but is unable to understand it. He does not have the correct understanding of life and death. Then the question arose in my mind: What is the principle of reward and punishment? The answer came to my mind. Punishment is in this world as well as in the next world, the invisible (unseen) courts of God are always busy. Man is always on a journey of trial and error. Some rewards and some punishments are being given in this world. Man is unaware of this process. The human mind cannot understand the system of punishment in the next world.

Then the question arose in my mind, what is the purpose of life? The answer is to know that Allah Almighty is the only Supreme Ruler and Master and Creator of this universe. When you are alive, you are an agent of God, so you must live the way your Creator is real and the Lord wants. Every thought is right, every action is right, and every step is on the right path. As an agent or vicegerent of God, every human being can establish an equation with his Lord. This relationship is called Equation Faith. If a person does everything on behalf of Allah, then his faith is strengthened. Expect its reward and reward only from your Lord. In the end, the words came to my mind that whoever loves his Lord will receive love in return. He who trusts in Allah Almighty will be rewarded in the same way and he who seeks his Lord will succeed in his goal and will find Allah Almighty.

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